tedio-fome-e-preguica: .

sweet-wuthering-heights: Michael Corleone

mamih-lapinatapai: http://continuumspace.blogspot.com.br/

2unkn0w: Johnny Depp and Marion Cotillard

pic 77384785882 from burradasdavida


Sex and Love...


orange-and-violet: ah i love cats

popular-boy: following back ♡

freshyed: f r e s h ✰ m o d e r n

cvnfuse: ▸

Passei a vida inteira esperando por Ela.

hell was the journey but it brought me heaven

hell was the journey but it brought me heaven

hell was the journey but it brought me heaven

hell was the journey but it brought me heaven

hell was the journey but it brought me heaven

hell was the journey but it brought me heaven

hell was the journey but it brought me heaven

hell was the journey but it brought me heaven

hell was the journey but it brought me heaven


post 76774006668 from burradasdavida

nikolvoodoo: Johny Deep on We Heart It.

ERROR 404 love not found

thecaptainjacksparrow: :’| this movie.

Sex and Love...

Please, stay weith me?

Please, stay weith me?

Please, stay weith me?

Please, stay weith me?

Please, stay weith me?

Dirty Babe




post 76623639600 from burradasdavida

Take it easy

muita calma nessa alma.

I'm a creep

I'm a creep

I'm a creep

Pamonhas Gostosas

dispense the forecast





pode carimbar que é top

Em mim apenas saudades

Alcoolizando a vida


Johnny Christoper Depp

Sex and Love...

Sex and Love...

Pamonhas Gostosas

Pamonhas Gostosas

Pamonhas Gostosas

Vem Cagar Comigo?

