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Introducing the brand new X-Change Party
My stag weekend in Prague
Melanie, Accommodating Girlfriend
Your story: love
Always take precautionary measures
The perfect teaching tool?
Take Responsibility for Your Actions
Blackmailed by buddy
Mark, passing with a D
Luke, Arm Candy
X-Change Trans Advertising.
Finally complete
Lisa, formerly Andrew, Unexpectedly Expecting
Perfect your Technique
Jason, Best Boyfriend Ever
Running into my ex (4 images)
Fresh Girlfriend
Practicing for Game Night
Jeremy accidentally becomes a sex addict.
I've wanted to kiss her for months, and now
Luke, Little Lustful Liar
Who reads the fine print anyway?
A girl is allowed to change her mind, right?
"A" student happy with a "D"
tom, happy student
Uber Pink - Enjoy your ride
Eric, getting the most out of dorm life
Working up the courage to go out
She must keep going
Bounty Hunter
Extra Credit is always worth it.
Another Happy Customer!
Zoe & Layla, Double Trouble
Warning: X-Change Passion has been know to
Martha, developing maternal instincts
Brian/Sandra, love at first taste
Kevin, Convinced Roommate
Chris, The Cost of Doing Business
Trying a special X-Change to help act the
From "Best Friend" to "Girlfriend"
Bella, well equipped for the job
Do you ever sometimes wish I hadn't transformed?
Telling her the truth
Tammy, formerly Eric, fundraiser
Lucas (now Elizabeth), gave it her best
At my little brother's soccer match
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