Excadrill [F] wants to be drilled

Excadrill [F] wants to be drilled

The new [F]eline fire starter Litten giving

The new [F]eline fire starter Litten giving a pawjob to a [M]ale trainer.

Popplios chilling out [M, F] (manene)

Popplios chilling out [M, F] (manene)

Lugia will need a bath [F] (delelelewop)

Lugia will need a bath [F] (delelelewop)

Treecko [M] spending time with his partner,

Treecko [M] spending time with his partner, Cyndaquil [M]

Heliolisk and Noivern Album [F][M][Coed][M/M]

Heliolisk and Noivern Album [F][M][Coed][M/M]

[F] Riolu - Ellistia

[F] Riolu - Ellistia

An orgy of Raichus [M] on one poor Pikachu

An orgy of Raichus [M] on one poor Pikachu [F]

Fairy training [coed]

Fairy training [coed]

[M/F] Ditto and Absol breeding for IV's

[M/F] Ditto and Absol breeding for IV's

[F] A surprised Eevee

[F] A surprised Eevee

Feraligator[M] seems to have figured out

Feraligator[M] seems to have figured out his type advantage over Charizard[?]

Worship [M] [M/F/F]

Worship [M] [M/F/F]

Filled Lucario [M]

Filled Lucario [M]

[Coed] [M] Axew Plowing [F] Rosa

[Coed] [M] Axew Plowing [F] Rosa

Cake Day! Gamefreak needs to rearrange the

Cake Day! Gamefreak needs to rearrange the

[Beg Response][M] Male Braixen for thehacorator

[Beg Response][M] Male Braixen for thehacorator [5 Male Braixen solo, 1 male Lopunny solo]

Umbreon and 2 Dragonairs [M/F/F/]

Umbreon and 2 Dragonairs [M/F/F/]

Lucario's carrot fell out [M]

Lucario's carrot fell out [M]

Pikachu's wet for you [F]

Pikachu's wet for you [F]

[coed] Poochyena! [8 images total, 5 M solo,

[coed] Poochyena! [8 images total, 5 M solo, 1 F solo, M Pooch/M Trainer, M Pooch/M Houndour]

Don't Be Shy. Dragonair/Pikachu Hybrid [M]

Don't Be Shy. Dragonair/Pikachu Hybrid [M] X Buterfree [F]

[M] Xerneas - I want to share some of my

[M] Xerneas - I want to share some of my art here

Spent Tyranitar[M]

Spent Tyranitar[M]

Dewott [F] peep show

Dewott [F] peep show

Some Mew Pics [F]

Some Mew Pics [F]

Umbreon [M] X Jolteon [F] completed sketch

Umbreon [M] X Jolteon [F] completed sketch 2

Well this is the first time I've seen a crossover

Well this is the first time I've seen a crossover with Family Guy. Pikachu [M] and Jasper [M]

Flareon from behind [F] (3sthrees)

Flareon from behind [F] (3sthrees)

Mind helping Charizard clean up? [M] (fklow)

Mind helping Charizard clean up? [M] (fklow)

Salandit [F] catching her prey

Salandit [F] catching her prey

Quilava [F] and Typhlosion [M]

Quilava [F] and Typhlosion [M]

[F/F] Leafeon and Glaceon, classic Eeveelutions

[F/F] Leafeon and Glaceon, classic Eeveelutions stuff

Flareon, Jolteon, Glaceon (xpost from r/pokeporn)

Flareon, Jolteon, Glaceon (xpost from r/pokeporn)

[F] Needy Zorua

[F] Needy Zorua

[MF] Dat Lati-Ass

[MF] Dat Lati-Ass

Umbreon [M] topping a Raichu [?]

Umbreon [M] topping a Raichu [?]

[M/F] Charmeleon

[M/F] Charmeleon

Teasing. Mawile [F x ?]

Teasing. Mawile [F x ?]

Typhlosion [M] using a toy

Typhlosion [M] using a toy

Sylveon with Eeveelutions [M/M]

Sylveon with Eeveelutions [M/M]

it's time to have fun with our master [coed]

it's time to have fun with our master [coed] (M/F/F/F)

Zoroark Bondage[F]

Zoroark Bondage[F]

Lucario x Greninja [M/F]

Lucario x Greninja [M/F]

[f]x[f] eevee and vulpix

[f]x[f] eevee and vulpix

[coed] Sandslash![7 images total, 1 F solo,

[coed] Sandslash![7 images total, 1 F solo, M Sand x F Minccino, 2 F Sand x M Trainer, M Sand x M Blaziken, F Sand x M Rhydon, M Sand x ? Linoone]

Zorua Solo [F] and [M]

Zorua Solo [F] and [M]

[Short Comic] Wow Me. Charmander [M] X Vulpix

[Short Comic] Wow Me. Charmander [M] X Vulpix [F]

