At least she is keeping her kid occupied

At least she is keeping her kid occupied

I can see the edge of her brown eye

I can see the edge of her brown eye



Baby likes to sit up front

Baby likes to sit up front

Get your tongue outta here mom!

Get your tongue outta here mom!

Clear Heels

Clear Heels

Tthe fishnets might be a little much

Tthe fishnets might be a little much

Carpet chips and bud light (xpost from r/trashy)

Carpet chips and bud light (xpost from r/trashy)

Hulk Smash!

Hulk Smash!

"Its like a space helmet"

Let him keep drinking until I get this picture....

Let him keep drinking until I get this picture.... (x-post)

Didnt know you could get peperoni at home

Didnt know you could get peperoni at home depot....

You have a string hangin there mom

You have a string hangin there mom

Parents leave their baby at a table at a

Parents leave their baby at a table at a Dave & Busters to go play games [x-post from /r/wtf]

He looks so ashamed

He looks so ashamed

Mother chats on phone while child climbs

Mother chats on phone while child climbs out of car

She seems more interested in the phone

She seems more interested in the phone

Its like a sweet hat!

Its like a sweet hat!

Shit, mom, you're making bank

Shit, mom, you're making bank

Xpost from WTF. he was on the main roads

Xpost from WTF. he was on the main roads then I saw him coming out of a store. Darwin Award nomination? That's an adult helmet

So many things wrong here.

So many things wrong here.

Twerkin' it

Twerkin' it

It's never too early to learn the value of

It's never too early to learn the value of a dollar. (nsfw) x-post

Act like a man.

Act like a man.

Bar baby. (X-post funny)

Bar baby. (X-post funny)

Photo With her kid and sister (x-post from

Photo With her kid and sister (x-post from /r/trashy)

This is fine.

This is fine.

That baby gunna be freaky

That baby gunna be freaky

He's a bit young for a blow up doll

He's a bit young for a blow up doll

Now hold it, don't volcano hun

Now hold it, don't volcano hun

Just found this sub and wanted to share x-post

Just found this sub and wanted to share x-post from r/cringepics.

Assholes left their kids alone in no-park-zone

Assholes left their kids alone in no-park-zone at Nordstrom Rack for over a hour

What else would I expect to find at 2am?

What else would I expect to find at 2am? GOOD parenting?

Heading off to work [x-post from /r/trashy]

Heading off to work [x-post from /r/trashy]

Can you come help me take a pic of me mom?

Can you come help me take a pic of me mom?

How do you know its not tasty?

How do you know its not tasty?

smfh .

smfh .

Custody laws in South Dakota suck.

Custody laws in South Dakota suck.

Baby crawling on 8th floor window ledge.

Baby crawling on 8th floor window ledge. (X-post r/WTF)

Hope this man is jailed

Hope this man is jailed

That's one way to hold a baby

That's one way to hold a baby

Down the hatch!

Down the hatch!

Muuuummm blecrgblurch

Muuuummm blecrgblurch

That must be a pretty important call

That must be a pretty important call

The Surgeon General warns against Jackhammers

The Surgeon General warns against Jackhammers while pregnant

Toddler kegstand

Toddler kegstand

I see your dad giving his toddler Monster

I see your dad giving his toddler Monster and check with this

C is for...

C is for...

