Applejack (Artist: MissNips)

Applejack (Artist: MissNips)

The Great and Plentiful Trixie (Artist: Ereb-Tauramandil)

The Great and Plentiful Trixie (Artist: Ereb-Tauramandil)

Pinkie Pie (Artist: halogenkn)

Pinkie Pie (Artist: halogenkn)

Happy Hearts and Hooves Day, Vinyl Scratch

Happy Hearts and Hooves Day, Vinyl Scratch - photo, real, cosplay, irl_human (Artist: PyroTemperTantrum)

Fluttershy at the beach (artist:racoonkun)

Fluttershy at the beach (artist:racoonkun)

Vinyl Scarlett Johansening - Vinyl Scratch

Vinyl Scarlett Johansening - Vinyl Scratch (Artist: Ereb-Tauramandil)

Pinkie and her new boobs(artist mrbleck)

Pinkie and her new boobs(artist mrbleck)

Flim Flam Sisters - R63 (Artist: Ssalbug)

Flim Flam Sisters - R63 (Artist: Ssalbug)

Vinyl on the week end(artist s1k bo1)

Vinyl on the week end(artist s1k bo1)

applejack and rarity(artist johnjoseco)

applejack and rarity(artist johnjoseco)

Applejack after a good buck(artist mingamia)

Applejack after a good buck(artist mingamia)

4 out of what i'm assuming will be 6 of the

4 out of what i'm assuming will be 6 of the mane 6 doing things artist is swainart

Twilight Sparkle hitting the books (artist:

Twilight Sparkle hitting the books (artist: AlexandraFlorDiCharlotte)

Rarity giving Twilight the ol' strap-on in

Rarity giving Twilight the ol' strap-on in the bum (artist: cogbrony)

Rainbow Dash feeling up AJ's 'apples' (artists:

Rainbow Dash feeling up AJ's 'apples' (artists: Schpog, glasworks/glasmond)

Octavia playing Vinyl like an instrument

Octavia playing Vinyl like an instrument (artist: seductivebunneh)

Braeburn gives Applejack a creamy surprise

Braeburn gives Applejack a creamy surprise (artist: flick)

Princess Luna bringing Vinyl Scratch some

Princess Luna bringing Vinyl Scratch some sweet dreams (artist: galactic-overlord)

A plump Fluttershy looking rather startled

A plump Fluttershy looking rather startled (artist: nauthleroy)

Celestia giving Luna a hug from behind and

Celestia giving Luna a hug from behind and a kiss on the cheek (artist: Cloveras)

Pinkie Pie getting a good taste of Sunset

Pinkie Pie getting a good taste of Sunset Shimmer (artist: ReiDuran)

It turns out that Flutterbat likes the taste

It turns out that Flutterbat likes the taste of all types of Apples... (artist: rainbowsprinklesart)

In which Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle

In which Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle compete to get someone's attention (artist: Cogbrony)

Applejack displaying the wares (artist: inuyuru)

Applejack displaying the wares (artist: inuyuru)

Trixie wants to be Everfree of that top (artist:

Trixie wants to be Everfree of that top (artist: ponutjoe)

Walking in on Indigo Zap and Rainbow Dash

Walking in on Indigo Zap and Rainbow Dash sharing a shower (artist: the-butcher-x)

Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash getting busy

Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash getting busy (artists: JonFawkes & derpiihooves)

Dashie laying down (artist: eve-ashgrove)

Dashie laying down (artist: eve-ashgrove)

Spitfire [Artist: ponideathmarch]

Spitfire [Artist: ponideathmarch]

Threesome [Artist: megasweet Colour:tiki2]

Threesome [Artist: megasweet Colour:tiki2]

Sunset Shimmer facial (artist:kevinsano artist:allosaurus)

Sunset Shimmer facial (artist:kevinsano artist:allosaurus)

Nightmare - Princess Luna [Artist: Lumineko]

Nightmare - Princess Luna [Artist: Lumineko]

Sonata Dusk and Aria Blaze pranking each

Sonata Dusk and Aria Blaze pranking each other [equestria_girls] (artist:janji009)

Aj, rarity and rarity showing off ( not sure

Aj, rarity and rarity showing off ( not sure who the artist is)

Human Lyra fascinates me, being just the

Human Lyra fascinates me, being just the way she is.(artist superkeen)

Bashful Rarity (artist Superkeen)

Bashful Rarity (artist Superkeen)

Equestria Girls lingerie album (artist: the-butcher-x)

Equestria Girls lingerie album (artist: the-butcher-x)

Rainbow Dash gives Twilight a good morning

Rainbow Dash gives Twilight a good morning kiss (artist: Superkeen)

Twilight Sparkle's DP surprise creampie (artist:

Twilight Sparkle's DP surprise creampie (artist: OneEyedNeko)

Applejack kicking back and relaxing (artist:

Applejack kicking back and relaxing (artist: OppaiHobby)

Sonata Dusk really enjoys snapchat. And other

Sonata Dusk really enjoys snapchat. And other people's boyfriends. (artist: rileyav)

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy (artist: dulchebon)

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy (artist: dulchebon)

Twilight Sparkle pulling on her stockings

Twilight Sparkle pulling on her stockings (artist: NightSongLan)

Rarity's boudoir (artist: rainbownspeedash)

Rarity's boudoir (artist: rainbownspeedash)

Sunset Shimmer daki (artist: cogbrony)

Sunset Shimmer daki (artist: cogbrony)

Reckless Abandon - Vinyl Scratch {Artist:

Reckless Abandon - Vinyl Scratch {Artist: ChronicSoda}

Twilight has her priorities straight (artist:

Twilight has her priorities straight (artist: KayBur)

Gloriosa peeping on Rainbow Dash getting

Gloriosa peeping on Rainbow Dash getting busy [EQG] (artist: burstfire)

